National Youth Skills Development Program
Ms. Sara Saif Al Shukaili

Chief Executive Officer, Artvive

About Me
Graduate of the National Program for Youth Skills Development and founder of Art FiveArtvive I was a bibliophile when I was a child. I spent most of my time reading books, so I always have an answer for questions not included in the school curriculum. I worked hard to join Sultan Qaboos University, where I developed my personality and leadership skills. I was chosen to be the first woman who leads the chemistry society at the university. I chose applied chemistry as a major and earth science as a minor for a broader scientific perspective. After graduation, I worked for several companies where I have experience in sales and management and developed efficient communication skills. Recently I got a Japanese government scholarship to gain a master's degree at Kyoto University in Japan, where I am trying to convert CO2 to other valuable hydrocarbons to make the earth a better place.

  • Master in Engineering