The onus of the Oman Business Forum’s success and the realization of its goals lies with the members as they are the drivers of OBF’s activities and events. OBF’s management provides the platform and incentives that encourage a common purpose, enrich collaboration and facilitates cohesion among the community.
OBF ensures membership can expand to encompass relevant pillars associated with the business environment that links the public and private sectors.

Mr. Ali Qasim Mohammed Al Lawati
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Chief Operating Officer, First AbuDhabi Bank
Ms. Aliya Mohammed Al Aufi
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Global HR - Director - People & Culture, Oman Oil Co. / Oxea
Mr. Ayad Ali Al Balushi
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Chief Executive - Alternative Energy, OQ
Mr. Bader Abdullah Al Hashmi
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Chief Audit Executive, Omani Qatari Telecommunication Co – Ooredoo
Dr. Firas Ali Al Abduwani
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Hussam Technology Company LLC
Ms. Ghada Mohammed Al Yousef
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Executive Manager (group Communication & Sustainability), Electricity Holding Company
Dr. Ghalib Said Al Saidi
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 General Manager, Al-Bashayer Meat Co. S.A.O.C
Mr. Haitham Mansoor Al-Busaidi
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Deputy Head of Corporate Banking, Barwa Bank Group
Mr. Harith Suliman Al Barashdi
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Chief Operating Officer, Al Madina Real Estate Co.
Mr. Hussain Hathith Al Bathari
National CEO Progam (NCP) , Cohort 1 Ceo, Al Bahihi International LLC